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Feature Members that have just joined up:

Mere celibataire cool ,veut du serieux

Age 50 From New york, West Virginia - Online 3 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (179 Miles Away)

Je suis une mere celibataire qui veux recommencer a aimer et a fonder une famille qui est prete a donner un meilleur papa pour mes enfants,qui veut aussi etre heureuse dans sa petite triste vie

Serious relationship

Age 32 From New york, West Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (179 Miles Away)

An extremely suave man for a solid long relationship that could possibly lead to marriage,should be open minded and one who value communication so much, l can cook, wash and clean

Hi everyone am new here

Age 23 From Ashburn, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (302 Miles Away)

Am Namukasa shammy from Uganda looking for serious white man for real relationship


Age 20 From Orange, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (288 Miles Away)

big and beautiful, i picked the wrong body type LOL

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