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Newest Members that have just joined up:

A Good Man!!!!

Age 52 From Cranbrook, British Columbia - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (1724 Miles Away)

I'm very loving, caring and have a very big heart. I want a man who is willing to take me for who I am and grow together. I don't want to be controlled.I don't cheaters either.

not here for money.not here for broke.

Age 36 From Victoria, British Columbia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (2054 Miles Away)

Two kids. Loyal. Youthful and know my way around the bedroom ;) Not here for money. But I'm not here for men living off me. Love older men, or at least mature ones! But still play with the kids. I Love being creative.


Age 49 From New Westminster, British Columbia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (2039 Miles Away)

Looking for an older man. I'm very open-minded , with a good sense of humour , trustworthy , kind , loving , respectful and highly educated . Inbox me for more info . Bless you .

Fun, adventurous, open minded,

Age 27 From North Vancouver, British Columbia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (2042 Miles Away)

Well mannered Open minded Drama free Straightforward Sagittarius ♐️ Tall 5’10” Fit Confident

Looking for trubble?

Age 32 From Central Okanagan H, British Columbia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1894 Miles Away)

Fun, smart, sexy, and a little bit of trubble!

Come Rescue Me :)

Age 26 From Vancouver, British Columbia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (2044 Miles Away)

Creative, fun, adventure seeking girl who works three jobs since moving out. Guess I miss the finer things in life.

Great Chatroom for Wealthy British Columbia!

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