
Always a woman for every man...

Alder 65 Fra Berlin, Germany Online Over 2 uger siden

Mand Søger en Kvinde

Grundlæggende oplysninger Fortæl os lidt om dig selv.
  • Jeg beskriver mig selv som I set goals and do what I have to do to accomplish them. While I am very focused on reaching my full potential and fulfilling the life God has ordained for me, I have also realized that Life Is A Journey!!! So, I plan to enjoy it along the way: Love a lot, Give a lot and follow the motto that "You get out of life what you put into it."
  • Underskriv Gemini
Udseende & Situation Hvad er din nuværende situation? Beskriv dit udseende.
  • Min kropstype er Gennemsnitlig
  • Min højde er 175 cm
  • Mine øjne er Nøddebrun
  • Min etnicitet er Europæisk
  • Min civilstand er Enke
  • Jeg har børn Ja - ikke hjemme
  • Jeg vil have børn Ikke sikker
  • Mit bedste karaktertræk er Smil
  • Kropsudsmykning Andet
  • Mit hår er Lysebrun
  • Jeg har en eller flere af disse Fugl, Fisk
  • Villig til at flytte Ja
Status Hvad laver du?
  • Mit uddannelsesniveau er Nogle universiteter
  • Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er Selvstændig
  • Mit speciale er Konstruktion / håndværker
  • Min jobtitel er Supplies..
  • Jeg tjener så meget på et år Fra $500.000USD til $1.000.000USD om året
  • Jeg bor Alene
  • Hjemme Alt er roligt
  • Jeg er ryger Nej
  • Jeg drikker Ja - til fester
Personlighed Hvordan handler du? Hvilken smag har du?
  • I gymnasiet var jeg Hjerne
  • Min sociale opførsel er Genert, Venlig, Flirtende
  • Mine interesser og hobbier er Sport, Musik, Tv, Film, Dans, Familie, Fotografering, Religion / Spiritualitet, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Havearbejde, Fisk / jagt, Computer, Shopping
  • Min idé om at have det sjovt er Være sammen med venner, Feste, Shoppe, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Gå på casino, Gå på museum
  • En ideel første date ville være In my ideal relationship, there is honesty, trust, respect for differing points of view, a real interest in understanding one's partner, and the belief that one can act like a newlywed for as long as one wants - there is no statute of limitation for passion, romance and a zest for life.
  • Jeg har altid villet prøve A table for two where we can chat informally in a low pressure environment, focussing on getting to know the person sitting before me. If there is instant chemistry, great, but if there isn't, that's ok too. Sometimes chemistry shows up when you least expect it; sometimes it doesn't show up at all -- but in the meantime, you are meeting another person who has a whole story to tell and who hopefully is also interested in hearing mine. Hopefully we both wish to meet again.
  • Mine venner beskriver mig som Venlig, Cool, Perfekt
Synspunkter Syn på livet.
  • Min religion er Kristen
  • Jeg deltager i tjenester En gang om ugen
  • Mit mål i livet er I do need a woman that is supportive of me and willing to help me become a better man as I am willing to help her become a better woman. I want a woman I can have fun with and learn about life with. A woman that I can spend quality time with, even if I am just laying on his lap while he watches the latest game.etc
  • Min form for humor er Snu, Venlig
Smag Hvad kan du lide?
  • I tv ser jeg altid Nyheder, Tegnefilm, Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Film, Reality Shows, Sæbeoperaer
  • Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romantik, Dokumentar, Voksen
  • Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til Land, Klassisk, Blues, Gospel
  • Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid Nyheder, Gammelt, Business, Computer, Hus og have, Musik, Poesi, Sport
  • Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er Travel, Travel, Travel... experience great food and cultures. Having fun, laughing, and enjoying friends and loved ones. I really enjoy furthering my knowledge and understanding of life, especially through cultural experiences.
Leder efter Hvad søger du?
  • Hvad finder du attraktivt? Skaldethed, Magt, Flirtende
  • Hvad leder du efter? My ideal partner is someone who is passionate about living life to the fullest.She is intelligent and shares some of my interests including traveling, I think you get the picture. Maybe you have some interests to share with me. As far as I know, we only get one life -- it is up to us to make sure we use whatever time we've been given well. My ideal partner would enjoy getting to know my 16 year old son, who is a good person with great values. He takes a while to warm up -- but once he has, he will share a superb sense of humor with you. I love to laugh, and make others laugh too. I was surprised when I took that test and found out I am a "blue" and I felt that it was pretty accurate. So if that is the type of person you are looking for, please feel free to get in touch.
  • Hvilken type forhold leder du efter? Forpligtet

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